BELOVED wife, mother, daughter & friend - She Is Emma May Reedy...! A very special girl that has an inner beauty that radiates from the inside to the out... She is altogether Lovely, a passionate lover of all things great & small.. I have known Emma for the last 2.5 years & it feels like 25 years.. We have formed a very special friendship & I love everything about her.. Her husband Wade & Em have a stunning | beautiful & very gentle spirited daughter Eleanore Grace Reedy whom celebrates her first birthday at the end of this month...she is a very special little girl who brings so much joy to everyone's lives...
Em & I had a lunch catch up & play date & while our beautiful babies were snoozing we decided to get the make up out & do a quick shoot in the back yard because I wanted to capture the beauty that is Emma Reedy... . I'm so proud & blessed to call her one of my closest girlfriends as she has a beauty that dwells deep inside mixed with a gentle & gracious & compassionate spirit...She is a faithful & loving wife | a devoted mother & a lover of life... I love that our girls will be best friends growing up & I'm so blessed that my girls have you as a woman of influence as they grow into who they are called to be...
I want to honour this woman right now & hope you enjoy the photographs of a one of a kind beauty…
With love EH xx

Her daughter Eleanor & hubby Wade clearly knows her Mumma is their everything...Peach adores her & Luxe stares into her kind big eyes and knows she is loved.....

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