Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Can you remember the last time you laughed out loud....I mean not just a giggle but  uncontrollable until your cheeks hurt or your stomach muscles couldn't  take it anymore...& perhaps even to the point of maybe peeing your pants...????? 
Hilariously funny...??? Well I can remember the last time this happened to me, it was last Thursday afternoon with my dearest girlfriends & family while shooting the promo for Knickers & tea cups...We were sitting on the beautiful wooden chair & there may have had 1 too many people on it, but hey it's not like we weigh a heavy amount & I'm only half way pregnant..... Tim took the pics & as he said 1, 2 & 3 we heard a crack & the next minute the seat gave way but Julie & I were on the end & jumped down strait away & continued to laugh uncontrollably on the ground.....can you remember the last time..???  Laughter really is the best medicine to life just as camp quality has that catch phrase as should we....Do take the time to LAUGH A LITTLE or ALOT...it's the best thing going & don't take life too seriously because you miss the opportunities so just laugh a little or alot.......& be thankful for the place where you are planted for this season & have an attitude of gratitude for what you Do HAVE & not what you DON'T have.....laugh a little...! 
With love EH xo


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